Bibliographic Resources
The Most Honorable Order of the Transylvania Colonel is based on our verified research which provides for the pre-history of Kentucky and Tennessee when the Transylvania Colony , a territory which belonged to the Cherokee and was fairly negotiated with the Native Americans under a treaty based in Admiralty law.
List of Bibliographic Resources
Today in Kentucky History: Transylvania the State that Almost Was (Blog)
Transylvania Colony (Wikipedia)
Transylvania Company (Kentucky History)
Richard Henderson (
The Transylvania Company and the Founding of Henderson, Kentucky (
Richard Henderson, American pioneer and Jurist (Wikipedia)
Treaty of Sycamore Shoals (Wikipedia)
Significance of the Transylvania Company in American History (
Boonesborough; its founding, pioneer struggles, Indian experiences, Transylvania days, and revolutionary annals (
Daniel Boone and the Wilderness Road (
Daniel Boone: Pioneer of Kentucky (
The Transylvania Company (Robinson Library)
Transylvania Company (NCPedia)
Daniel Boone (Library of Congress)
Kentucky. A history of the state, embracing a concise account of the origin and development of the Virginia colony; its expansion westward, and the settlement of the frontier beyond the Alleghenies; the erection of Kentucky as an independent state, and its subsequent development (
Daniel Boone's Father born in England (WikiTree)
Richard Henderson's Great Grandfather born in Scotland (WikiTree)
Col. Richard Henderson Family History (WikiTree)
Pioneers at Fort Boonesborough (RootsWeb)
The Colony of Transylvania (University of Chicago)
Minutes of the Transylvania House of Delegates (University of North Carolina)
Minutes of the Transylvania Company in North Carolina (September 1775)
Advertisement by Richard Henderson and the Transylvania Company (1774)