US State and Provincial Awards, Orders & Recognition
Only the most authoritative or highest ranked works are listed in this section or directly to the responsible link and based on verified well-developed research by its authors. If you find a dead or non-working link please contact us and tell us the page name and the link title. This WebSite uses links that can be found in the English Wikipedia, the Internet Archive and works that are deemed authoritative that are maintained for public viewing. For other "states" other than the United States, please see National Orders.
United States
Alabama - Alabama Colonel
Alaska - North Star Award
Arizona - Goodwill Ambassador
Arkansas - Arkansas Traveler
Connecticut - Goodwill Ambassador
Delaware - Order of the First State, Goodwill Ambassador
Florida - Goodwill Ambassador
Georgia - Georgia Lieutenant Colonel, Goodwill Ambassador
Hawaii - Goodwill Ambassador
Idaho - Medal of Achievement, Goodwill Ambassador
Illinois - Goodwill Ambassador
Indiana - Sagamore of the Wabash
Iowa - Goodwill Ambassador
Kansas - Goodwill Ambassador
Kentucky - Kentucky Colonel
Louisiana - Louisiana Colonel
Maine - Goodwill Ambassador
Maryland - Goodwill Ambassador
Massachusetts - Governor's Citation
Michigan - Goodwill Ambassador
Minnesota - Goodwill Ambassador, Medal of Honor
Mississippi - Volunteer Service
Missouri - Tourism Ambassador
Montana - Montana Ambassador
Nebraska - Nebraska Admiral
Nevada - Honorary Citizen, Goodwill Ambassador
New Hampshire - Goodwill Ambassador
New Jersey - Jefferson Award
New Mexico - Colonel, Goodwill Ambassador
New York - Conspicuous Service Cross, Colonel
North Carolina - Order of the Long Leaf Pine Award
North Dakota - Rough Rider Award
Ohio - Goodwill Ambassador
Oklahoma - Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel or Major
Pennsylvania - Goodwill Ambassador
Rhode Island - Rhode Island Commodore
South Carolina - Order of the Palmetto, Order of the Silver Crescent
South Dakota - Goodwill Ambassador
Tennessee - Honorary Tennessean, Tennessee Colonel, Tennessee Ambassador of Goodwill
Texas - Admiral of the Texas Navy, Order of the Yellow Rose
Utah - Utah Colonel
Vermont - Goodwill Ambassador
Virginia - Goodwill Ambassador, Cardinal Award
Washington - Ambassadors of Trade, Tourism and Goodwill
West Virginia - Golden Horseshoe, Honorary Mountaineer
Wisconsin - Goodwill Ambassador
Wyoming - Goodwill Ambassador